We took a fun family field trip to the King Tut exhibit at a nearby museum. We recently studied Egypt in our homeschool, so it was the perfect exhibit. Daddy even came along.
We took 4 small children-5 years old and under-to the museum of fine art to walk through an exhibit. Are we nuts or what???
Well, the kids did wonderfully. Ladybug hung out on my hip in a sling. Baby Bee was carried around by Daddy. Tiger and Curly enjoyed wandering through the exhibit-for an hour and a half! I was so thankful that we had no melt downs and no touching or climbing. I could see the security guards tense as we walked into the room. But not to fear! My kids behaved. Hooray!
Our only field trip problem had to do with Harrison Ford. Yes, Indiana Jones. He always looks so grungy and grimy in the movies. Well, he's a potential allergen. Bee is allergic to Harrison Ford.
He was the lovely narrator on the audio tour. We ended up with 3 little speakers and the kids had more fun pushing buttons and listening to Indiana Jones take them through the exhibit. He talked about pyramids, statues, and coffins. And he made Bee break out in hives along one side of her face.
Something on that dumb little audio guide gave Bee hives. Was it the cleaning solution? Was it the dairy-breath of the person who used the guide before us? I'm blaming Harrison Ford. Maybe he should stop hunting for Holy Grails, or put down the gun, or get off the airplane, and just take a bath.
Thankfully, a little Cortizone cleared up Bee before things got out of hand. But I did have to wrestle the audio guide away from her. No more Harrison Ford!
Why I'm Glad I Taught Spanish Before Latin
I aspire to be a classical homeschooler. Many times we fall short, but my
ultimate goal is to stick closely to the classical model and definitely
8 years ago
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